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Gulf Cooperation Council
Network for Drylands Research & Development

شبكة دول
مجلس التعاون الخليجي لدراسات

الأراضي القاحلة و التطوير

Switch to Arabic Website! :- )))




The main objective of NDRD is to to contribute to the advancement of drylands research and sustainable development for the benefit and wellbeing of humanity.

To encourage this, we will try to increase motivation and initiative by giving out awards for excellent research.

Further information will be available on this website soon....



Indirect Encouragement


Ph.D. Dissertation Awards
for distinguished research related to the alleviation of poverty in drylands

NDRD in addition will aim to encourage socioeconomic research by giving an annual special appreciation to the best doctoral dissertations relevant to the alleviation of poverty in drylands. This prestigious recognition is accompanied by a cash award of $1000 to the author. Supporters for these dissertation awards will yet to be found.



Related Links:

In the meantime we would like you to have a look at the Environmental Price from the GCC for
the Best Environmental Activity (only in Arabic)

Based on the resolution of the fourth meeting of the Ministers in charge of environment affairs in GCC states (Abu Dhabi 1994) which states: "GCC Secretariat General shall prepare a study about constituting a periodic prize for environment, how it should be sponsored and and rules to be presented to the next meeting,"
read more....



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